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Race Condition

A common issue in the issue is about race conditions.

If you have not yet imported the config into the project, then you need to do this.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-wallet-config

Previously, there was a vacuum package, but now it is a part of the core. You just need to configure the lock service and the cache service in the package configuration wallet.php.

     * A system for dealing with race conditions.
    'lock' => [
        'driver' => 'array',
        'seconds' => 1,

To enable the fight against race conditions, you need to select a provider that supports work with locks. I recommend redis.

There is a setting for storing the state of the wallet, I recommend choosing redis here too.

     * Storage of the state of the balance of wallets.
    'cache' => ['driver' => 'array'],

You need redis-server and php-redis.

Redis is recommended but not required. You can choose whatever the framework offers you.

It's simple!