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Basic Usage

Simple Wallet

It is necessary to expand the model that will have the wallet. This is done in two stages:

  • Add Wallet interface;
  • Add the HasWallet trait;

Let's get started.

use Bavix\Wallet\Traits\HasWallet;
use Bavix\Wallet\Interfaces\Wallet;

class User extends Model implements Wallet
    use HasWallet;

The model is prepared to work with a wallet.

Simple wallet transactions

The package is built on simple transactions:

  • deposit - replenishment of the wallet;
  • withdraw - withdrawal from the wallet;

Consider an example:

$user = User::first();
$user->balance; // 0

$user->balance; // 10

$user->balance; // 9

$user->forceWithdraw(200, ['description' => 'payment of taxes']);
$user->balance; // -191


Add the CanPay trait and Customer interface to your User model.

The trait CanPay already inherits HasWallet, reuse will cause an error.

use Bavix\Wallet\Traits\CanPay;
use Bavix\Wallet\Interfaces\Customer;

class User extends Model implements Customer
    use CanPay;

Add the HasWallet trait and interface to Item model.

Starting from version 9.x there are two product interfaces:

  • For an unlimited number of products (ProductInterface);
  • For a limited number of products (ProductLimitedInterface);

An example with an unlimited number of products:

use Bavix\Wallet\Traits\HasWallet;
use Bavix\Wallet\Interfaces\Customer;
use Bavix\Wallet\Interfaces\ProductInterface;

class Item extends Model implements ProductInterface
    use HasWallet;

    public function getAmountProduct(Customer $customer): int|string
        return 100;

    public function getMetaProduct(): ?array
        return [
            'title' => $this->title, 
            'description' => 'Purchase of Product #' . $this->id,

Example with a limited number of products:

use Bavix\Wallet\Traits\HasWallet;
use Bavix\Wallet\Interfaces\Customer;
use Bavix\Wallet\Interfaces\ProductLimitedInterface;

class Item extends Model implements ProductLimitedInterface
    use HasWallet;

    public function canBuy(Customer $customer, int $quantity = 1, bool $force = false): bool
         * This is where you implement the constraint logic. 
         * If the service can be purchased once, then
         *  return !$customer->paid($this);
        return true; 
    public function getAmountProduct(Customer $customer): int|string
        return 100;

    public function getMetaProduct(): ?array
        return [
            'title' => $this->title, 
            'description' => 'Purchase of Product #' . $this->id,

I do not recommend using the limited interface when working with a shopping cart. If you are working with a shopping cart, then you should override the PurchaseServiceInterface interface. With it, you can check the availability of all products with one request, there will be no N-queries in the database.

Proceed to purchase.

$user = User::first();
$user->balance; // 100

$item = Item::first();
$user->pay($item); // If you do not have enough money, throw an exception
var_dump($user->balance); // 0

if ($user->safePay($item)) {
  // try to buy again )

var_dump((bool)$user->paid($item)); // bool(true)

var_dump($user->refund($item)); // bool(true)
var_dump((bool)$user->paid($item)); // bool(false)

Eager Loading

When accessing Eloquent relationships as properties, the relationship data is "lazy loaded". This means the relationship data is not actually loaded until you first access the property. However, Eloquent can "eager load" relationships at the time you query the parent model. Eager loading alleviates the N + 1 query problem. To illustrate the N + 1 query problem, consider a Wallet model that is related to User:

Add the HasWallet trait and Wallet interface to model.

use Bavix\Wallet\Traits\HasWallet;
use Bavix\Wallet\Interfaces\Wallet;

class User extends Model implements Wallet
    use HasWallet; // public function wallet(): MorphOne...

Now, let's retrieve all wallets and their users:

$users = User::all();

foreach ($users as $user) {
    // echo $user->wallet->balance;
    echo $user->balance; // Abbreviated notation

This loop will execute 1 query to retrieve all of the users on the table, then another query for each user to retrieve the wallet. So, if we have 25 users, the code above would run 26 queries: 1 for the original user, and 25 additional queries to retrieve the wallet of each user.

Thankfully, we can use eager loading to reduce this operation to just 2 queries. When querying, you may specify which relationships should be eager loaded using the with method:

$users = User::with('wallet')->all();

foreach ($users as $user) {
    // echo $user->wallet->balance;
    echo $user->balance; // Abbreviated notation

For this operation, only two queries will be executed.

How to work with fractional numbers?

Add the HasWalletFloat trait and WalletFloat interface to model.

use Bavix\Wallet\Traits\HasWalletFloat;
use Bavix\Wallet\Interfaces\WalletFloat;
use Bavix\Wallet\Interfaces\Wallet;

class User extends Model implements Wallet, WalletFloat
    use HasWalletFloat;

Now we make transactions.

$user = User::first();
$user->balance; // 100
$user->balanceFloat; // 1.00

$user->balance; // 237
$user->balanceFloat; // 2.37

You can get the float amount by accessing the amountFloat attribute on the transaction model

$transaction->amount; // 137
$transaction->amountFloat; // 1.37