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Transfer between wallets

Transfer in our system are two well-known Deposit and Withdraw operations that are performed in one transaction.

The transfer takes place between wallets.

User Model

Prepare the model, add the HasWallets trait's and Wallet interface.

use Bavix\Wallet\Traits\HasWallets;
use Bavix\Wallet\Interfaces\Wallet;

class User extends Model implements Wallet
    use HasWallets;

Make a Transfer

Find user:

$first = User::first(); 
$last = User::orderBy('id', 'desc')->first(); // last user
$first->getKey() !== $last->getKey(); // true

Create new wallets for users.

$firstWallet = $first->createWallet(['name' => 'First User Wallet']);
$lastWallet = $last->createWallet(['name' => 'Second User Wallet']);

$firstWallet->balance; // 100
$lastWallet->balance; // 0

The transfer will be from the first user to the last.

$firstWallet->transfer($lastWallet, 5); 
$firstWallet->balance; // 95
$lastWallet->balance; // 5

It's simple!

Force Transfer

Check the user's balance.

$firstWallet->balance; // 100
$lastWallet->balance; // 0

The transfer will be from the first user to the second.

$firstWallet->forceTransfer($lastWallet, 500); 
$firstWallet->balance; // -400
$lastWallet->balance; // 500

It worked!

Change the meta and confirmation

Check the user's balance.

$firstWallet->balanceInt; // 1_000
$secondWallet->balanceInt; // 0

We will execute the transfer, but without confirmation of the withdrawal of funds.

use Bavix\Wallet\External\Dto\Extra;
use Bavix\Wallet\External\Dto\Option;

/** @var $firstWallet \Bavix\Wallet\Interfaces\Wallet */
$transfer = $firstWallet->transfer($secondWallet, 500, new Extra(
    deposit: ['message' => 'Hello, secondWallet!'],
    withdraw: new Option(meta: ['something' => 'anything'], confirmed: false)

$transfer->withdraw->meta; // ['something' => 'anything']
$transfer->withdraw->confirmed; // false

$transfer->deposit->meta; // ['message' => 'Hello, secondWallet!']
$transfer->deposit->confirmed; // true

$firstWallet->balanceInt; // 1_000
$secondWallet->balanceInt; // 500

It's simple!