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To refresh the balance

There are situations when you create a lot of unconfirmed operations, and then abruptly confirm everything. In this case, the user's balance will not change. You must be forced to refresh the balance.

User Model

It is necessary to expand the model that will have the wallet. This is done in two stages:

  • Add Wallet interface;
  • Add the HasWallet trait;

Let's get started.

use Bavix\Wallet\Traits\HasWallet;
use Bavix\Wallet\Interfaces\Wallet;

class User extends Model implements Wallet
    use HasWallet;

The model is prepared to work with a wallet.

Get the current balance for your wallet

Let's say the user's balance

$user->id; // 5
$user->balance; // 27

And he has unconfirmed transactions. Confirm all transactions.

update transactions 
set confirmed=1 
where confirmed=0 and 
      payable_type='App\Models\User' and 
-- 212 rows affected in 54 ms

Refresh the balance.

$user->balance; // 27
$user->balance; // 42

It's simple!