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When there is enough money in the account, you can transfer/withdraw it or buy something in the system.

Since the currency is virtual, you can buy any services on your website. For example, priority in search results.

User Model

Make a Withdraw

Find user:

$user = User::first();

As the user uses HasWalletFloat, he will have balance property. Check the user's balance.

$user->balance; // 10000
$user->balanceInt; // 10000
$user->balanceFloatNum; // 100.00

The balance is not empty, so you can withdraw funds.

$user->balance; // 9000
$user->balanceInt; // 9000
$user->balanceFloatNum; // 90.00

It's simple!

Force Withdraw

Forced withdrawal is necessary for those cases when the user has no funds. For example, a fine for spam.

$user->balanceFloatNum; // 90.00
$user->balanceFloatNum; // -11.00

And what will happen if the money is not enough?

There can be two situations:

  • The user's balance is zero, then we get an error Bavix\Wallet\Exceptions\BalanceIsEmpty
  • If the balance is greater than zero, but it is not enough Bavix\Wallet\Exceptions\InsufficientFunds