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Confirm Transaction

There are situations when it is necessary to create a transaction without crediting to the wallet or debiting. Laravel-wallet has such a mode of unconfirmed transactions.

You create a transaction without confirmation, and a little later you confirm it.

User Model

Add the CanConfirm trait and Confirmable interface to your User model.

use Bavix\Wallet\Interfaces\Confirmable;
use Bavix\Wallet\Interfaces\Wallet;
use Bavix\Wallet\Traits\CanConfirm;
use Bavix\Wallet\Traits\HasWallet;

class UserConfirm extends Model implements Wallet, Confirmable
    use HasWallet, CanConfirm;

You can only confirm the transaction with the wallet you paid with.

To confirmation


Sometimes you need to create an operation and confirm its field. That is what this trey does.

$user->balance; // 0
$transaction = $user->deposit(100, null, false); // not confirm
$transaction->confirmed; // bool(false)
$user->balance; // 0

$user->confirm($transaction); // bool(true)
$transaction->confirmed; // bool(true)

$user->balance; // 100

It's simple!